Build a diverse, capable workforce by partnering with Engaged Employment!
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Businesses, large and small, have jobs that could be excellent fits for individuals on the autism spectrum. Jobs requiring a keen focus on details, repetitive tasks and working within a crew often work well for our clients. However, every individual has a unique personality and skill set. So we keep our options open!
If you are looking for workers who are dedicated, reliable and caring, then Engaged Employment is your answer. Our job coaches bridge the gap in training the new hire and showing you, the employer, how to work with adults with disABILITIES.
If your business is located in Greenville or Spartanburg Counties in South Carolina, we want to offer our services to you:
- Placement and individualized on-site coaching of employees.
- Jobsite intervention to assist employees with autism and intellectual disabilities.
- 1-on-1 coaching for managers to provide insight and support to help in managing workers with autism and intellectual disabilities.
Benefits to Employers
- Less risk/workers vetted
- On-the-job coaches
- Long-term support
- Lower attrition rate
- Increased workplace diversity
Strengths of Workers
- Visual thinkers and detail oriented
- Focused on tasks
- Honesty and trustworthiness
- Dependable
- Less social distraction and less drama
Employer Incentives
- Work Opportunity Tax Credit and other tax incentives.
- High retention. Lowest attrition rate of any employee group in the country.
- Increase pool of qualified applicants and productivity in all work groups because people with disabilities motivate other employees.
- Reduced cost for training, recruitment and turnover.
- Improved safety record; decrease accidents.
- A more diverse workforce appeals to a larger, more diverse customer base resulting in higher profits; 87% of the public prefer to give their business to companies that hire people with disabilities.
- Higher purchasing power of people with disabilities reduces the number of families living in poverty and contributes to the local economy.